+49 30 34 66 70 90 info@citylight-hotel.de

Hotel Citylight


Stress-free all round:

The perfect group trip

Planning is often a major hurdle when preparing a group trip. However, you will see that it is easier than you think if you go down this path with us. We will be happy to support you in your preparations. We, the team at the Citylight Hotel, especially our colleague from group reservations, Franziska Baber, who has been looking after our groups for 20 years. Take a look at our factsheetto get an impression of what we have to offer. Our reception team is available around the clock to answer your questions and give you tips. They can also provide you with tickets for sightseeing attractions, city tours or public transport tickets. We will be happy to put you in touch with our numerous partners in Berlin to help you plan a program in advance of your trip. So don't hesitate any longer" Simply make your request here:

We look forward to seeing you
Your team from the Citylight Hotel


Our extensive breakfast buffet will get you ready for the start of the day. Crunchy rolls, fresh fruit, homemade jam - nothing is left to be desired here.

Do you need lunch, dinner or packed lunches? No problem. We cook and prepare our meals fresh on site. Our kitchen team looks forward to spoiling you. Take a look at what we have on offer for you.

Menu plan from 01.11.2023
Menu plan from 01.03.2024
"Delicious food - good nutrition" order form

And if you do want to eat out, we will be happy to help you find a suitable restaurant.

Documents and checklists

To help you prepare for your trip, we have put together some planning aids that you can download here. Please do not hesitate to contact us personally if you require further assistance.

CityTax school trip
CityTax club trip
House rules
Sport Features Citylight
Catering specials
"Eat well - eat well" order form

Program on site

Numerous leisure activities are available in our house.

  • Billiards, table tennis, darts and table football in our club room (some for a fee)
  • Public viewing soccer evenings on our large flatscreen TV
  • Bicycle rental for a fee, board game rental free of charge
  • Reservation of our Citylight Disco for the class party - factsheet

During your stay, our reception will provide you with information 24/7 about the surrounding area or spontaneous sightseeing destinations. For program planning in advance of your trip, we will be happy to put you in touch with our numerous partners in Berlin.